2014 Class Photos
Please send any corrections and/or identifications to alumni@reed.edu.
Classes from before 1964
55th-70th Reunion

Back row,left to right: Michael Munk ’56, Richard Cellarius ’58, Gerald Nutt ’54, Donald Green ’54
Middle row, left to right: Elizabeth Fisher ’67, Betty Pope ’51, Linda Lingelser ’55, Richard Lingelser ’55, Doris Cellarius ’59, Kay Tousley ’55, Gloria Reich ’54, Moshe Lenske ’50
Front row, left to right: Mary Jones Pennington ’39, Harris Dusenbery ’36, Sharon Toji ’58, Jennifer Becker ’60, Julienne May ’54, Lucille Pierce ’43, Barbara Beach ’54, Lynn Mayer ’58
Inset portrait: Grace Rosenquist '54
Class of 1964
50th Reunion

Back row, left to right: Richard Pincus ’64, David Dusenbery ’64, Jim Kahan ’64, Nicolaus Tideman ’64, Karen Giunterman ’64, Ronald Becker ’64, James Stewart ’64, Peter Byers ’64, Dugan Barr ’64, David Pincus ’64
Middle row, left to right: Sylvia Young ’64, Stephen Young ’64, Linda Goodman ’64, Paul Hoyer ’64, Stanley Levine ’63, Leslie Stewart ’64, Molly O’Reilly ’64, John Eveland ’64, Dwight Read ’64, Angele Wilking Blanton ’64, Michael Humphreys ’64
Front row, left to right: Barbara Clark ’64, Joann Payne ’64, Barbara Smith-Thomas ’64, Lucy Pratt ’64, David, Kanouse ’64, Peggy Mendelson ’64, Celia Morris ’64, Leslie Lischka ’64, Majda Sajovic Jones ’64, Fred Schiff ’64
Class of 1969
45th Reunion

Top row, left to right: Harold Demarest ’69, Patrick McMahan ’69, Roger Lippman ’69, Jonathan Osborn ’69, Brenda Burres-Osborn
Bottom row, left to right: James Joseph ’69, Gay Walker ’69, Carol Hawkins ’69, Dennis Bush ’68
Class of 1974
40th Reunion

Top row, left to right: Alice Steiner ’74, Kevin Steiner ’74
Second row, left to right: Nigel Sanders ’74, Julie Nemer ’74, Jessica Litman ’74, Nancy Groschwitz ’74
Third row, left to right: James Coddington ’74, Arthur Rothstein ’73, Loraine, Shields ’74
Bottom row, left to right: Ann Horowitz ’74, Zebulun Horowitz ’74, Jan Liss ’74, Eileen Millsap ’74
Class of 1979
35th Reunion

Top row, left to right: Rebecca Smith ’79, Brian Graham-Jones ’81, Judith Jewell ’79, Terry Bryll ’79
Middle row, left to right: Byron Gaddis ’79, Coral Walker ’79, Atsushi Nagahisa ’79
Bottom row, left to right: Amy Eggleston Gaddis ’79, Sarah Movius Schurr ’80, Scott Schurr ’79, Elizabeth Booher ’78, Paula vanHaagen ’79
Class of 1984
30th Reunion

Top row, left to right: Abigail Richard ’84, Ted Stern ’84, Elizabeth Urner ’84, Richard Thomason ’84, Kenneth Einhorn ’84
Bottom row, left to right: Ali Rouhi ’84, Steve Swanson ’84, Sean Molloy ’84, Nancy Einhorn ’84
Class of 1989
25th Reunion

Top row, left to right: Matthew Giger ’89, Eric Rice ’89
Second row, left to right: Don Berg ’12, Kevin Hendrickson ’89, Lucia Zaczkowski ’89, Francis Wiser ’89, Monica Wesolowska ’89, Gregory Byshenk ’89
Third row, left to right: Nadine Fiedler ’89, Amy Bogran ’89, Melanie Brewer ’89, Eve Müller ’89, Trena Klohe ’89
Bottom row, left to right: Chris Lydgate ’90, Barbara Sylvester ’89, Jennifer Keating ’89, Miyuki Yoshida ’89, William Morgan ’88
Class of 1994
20th Reunion

Top row, left to right: Galen Huntington ’97, Morgan O’Toole-Smith ’94, Ian McCullough ’94, Ian Gillingham ’94, Kevin Proctor ’94, Esteban Gutierrez ’94, Lisa Saldana ’94, Ann Campbell ’94
Middle row, left to right: Robin Gordon ’94, Stephanie Greathouse ’94, Aaron Glass ’94, Celeste Ramsay ’94, Jennifer Ellentuch ’94, Kara Northway ’94
Bottom row, left to right: Brittney Corrigan-McElroy ’94, Tim Sexton ’94, Darcy Molloy ’94, Christopher Sellers ’94, Jemiah Jefferson ’94, Michele Funk ’94, Ben Salzberg ’94
Class of 1999
15th Reunion

Top row, left to right: Katy Pine ’00, Sean McCallum ’99
Bottom row, left to right: Jacqueline Pitter ’99, George McCargar ’99, Galen Huntington ’97, Moira Tofanelli ’99, George Therney
Class of 2004
10th Reunion

Top row, left to right: Aaron Rabiroff ’04, Benjamin Dappen ’04, Slayde Dappen ’04, Devon Willis ’04, Owen McGillivray ’04
Second row, left to right: Megan Labrise ’04, Elliot Levin ’04, Michael Jacobs ’04, Marisa Connell ’04, Lindsay Pour ’04
Third row, left to right: Sergio Pastor ’05, Desmond Ramirez ’04, Hannah Kapell ’04, David Sorek ’04
Fourth row, left to right: Rachel Horst, Micha Rahder ’04, Andrew Korson ’04, Emily Korson, ’04, Alexa Mater ’04, Fawn Huisman ’04
Class of 2009
5th Reunion

Top row, left to right: Brian Radzinsky ’09, Thomas Proctor ’09, Caitlin Dick ’09, Sally Passmore ’04, Charli Krause ’09
Bottom row, left to right: Brooke Hulteen ’09, Rachel Baikie-Rick ’09, Angeline Wolski ’09, Daniela Morar ’09, Sandra Voss ’09, Brittany Taylor ’09