
Reed Reunions 2025: June 12-15

Rediscover all that you love about Reed during Reunions weekend. Join your fellow alumni on campus for a spectacular weekend full of Reedie traditions, class celebrations, and more.

Register now!

Alumni College will not be taking place this year, but we are actively planning for its return in 2026. We look forward to bringing back this beloved tradition with engaging programming and opportunities for lifelong learning. Stay tuned for more details in the coming months!

Please note that due to food ordering deadlines, the last day to purchase meal tickets is May 26!

Online Photo Albums

Relive the magic of past Reunions by looking through our online photo albums. There's something special about seeing all the fun moments captured in photos—it's a great way to re-experience the excitement and joy of Reunions past.

Reunions 2025

Reunions is almost upon us! Many more events will be added to the below schedule as we confirm details.

Thursday, June 12

Reunions Central

12:30–6 p.m., Prexy House
When you arrive on campus, please come to Reunions Central in Prexy and pick up your registration materials, event tickets, wristband, and dorm keys.

A wristband is required for all guests on campus for the weekend. It indicates to staff, students, and Campus Safety that you have registered and are attending Reunions.

50 Years of History: Class of '75 Archives Tour

2–3 p.m., Library

Bookstore Open

9 a.m.–5 p.m., basement of Gray Campus Center
Got old Reed clothing you no longer wear? The Reed Bookstore is looking for gently worn Reed logoed clothing! In exchange, you'll receive a 15% off coupon good towards your next piece of Reed clothing. Reach out to with any questions about this new program.

Reactor Tour

3–4 p.m., Chemistry Patio, Sign up at Prexy
Tour Reed's nuclear reactor, the only nuclear reactor in the nation operated primarily by undergraduates. Licensed students use it for thesis projects and to increase their understanding of radiation and radioactivity.

Class of '75 Olde Reed Roundtable

4–5:30 p.m., Winch-Capehart
Gather with your classmates from the early 70s to talk about your time at Reed. Share your stories, hear from others, and reconnect to celebrate your 50th reunion.

Pool Hall Open

6–11 p.m., Pool Hall
Join your fellow Reedies and reminisce in the Pool Hall! Organize a tournament or play a relaxed game of 8 ball.

50th Class Reunion Dinner

6–7:30 p.m., Gray Lounge
The class of ’75 is invited to celebrate their 50th reunion over a special evening meal and presentation.
*Ticket required


6–7:30 p.m., Commons
Bon Appetit brings made-from-scratch restaurant-style dining to Reed College, with a commitment to quality, innovation, social responsibility, and customer satisfaction.
*Pay on your own

Reunions Bar

7–10 p.m., Quad

 Check the schedule often, events are added every day!

Friday, June 13

Reunions Central

8 a.m.–8 p.m., Prexy House
When you arrive on campus, please come to Reunions Central in Prexy and pick up your registration materials, event tickets, and dorm keys.

A wristband is required for all guests on campus for the weekend. It indicates to staff, students, and Campus Safety that you have registered and are attending Reunions.

Sports Center Open

8 a.m.–8 p.m., Sports Center
Come check out the new Sports Center where you can swim, work out, or take a sauna!


8–9:30 a.m., Commons
Bon Appetit brings made-from-scratch restaurant-style dining to Reed College, with a commitment to quality, innovation, social responsibility, and customer satisfaction.
*Pay on your own

Bookstore Open

9 a.m.–midnight, basement of Gray Campus Center
Have any old Reed clothing you no longer wear? The Reed Bookstore is looking for gently worn Reed logoed clothing! In exchange, you'll receive a 15% off coupon good towards your next piece of Reed clothing. Reach out to with any questions about this new program.

Reactor Tour

10–11 a.m., Chemistry Patio, Sign up at Prexy
Tour Reed's nuclear reactor, the only nuclear reactor in the nation operated primarily by undergraduates. Licensed students use it for thesis projects and to increase their understanding of radiation and radioactivity.

Architecture of Reed College: Gothic to Modernism to Post-Modernism and back again

10–11:30 a.m., Eliot 314 & Walking Tour Sign up at Prexy
The architecture of Reed College is a window into the evolution 20th-century architecture and the history of the college itself. This tour will take us from the Collegiate Gothic of A.E. Doyle's Eliot Hall through the Modernism of Pietro Belluschi, Reed alum Neil Farnham, and others, and finally, the Post-Modernism of the Zimmer Gunsel Frasca era and newer buildings. 

"Don't Hear This!" - Dr. Demento Explores Music Censorship in America" sponsored by the Class of '65

11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m., Commons
Dr. Demento, known by some as Barret Hansen '62, is an American radio broadcaster and record collector specializing in novelty songs, comedy, and strange or unusual recordings. After 64 years of playing music on air and online, Dr. Demento has some thoughts to share about censorship.


11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m., Commons
Commons Bon Appetit brings made-from-scratch restaurant-style dining to Reed College, with a commitment to quality, innovation, social responsibility, and customer satisfaction.
*Pay on your own

Learn to Play the Penny Whistle with John Cushing '67

1–2 p.m., PAB 104
Each student will receive a whistle. Students will learn breath control, fingering, the D and G scales, and a few simple tunes, followed by an Irish or Scottish air.

Learn How a Sausage is Made (Literally)

1–3:30 p.m., Spanish House
The masters of meat will demystify the metaphor, and prove that the dirty details are in fact delicious, clean fun!

Meat Smoke veterans will lead a sausage-making workshop, demonstrating the entire process from snout to tail. Get hands-on experience in cutting down and grinding whole slabs of pork, seasoning it to perfection, loading and filling pork casings, and pinching and cutting sausage links.

There will be plenty of opportunities for grilling and tasting our creations during the workshop. Sausage made during this event will be served to everyone after the fireworks on Saturday.

Come meat with us, join in the fun, and make lots of dirty jokes (sometimes they slip out unintentionally)!

Reed Canyon Oral History Sharing with Katy Pine '99 & Zac Perry, Maintenance Operations Manager

1:30–3:30 p.m., Eliot 216 & Walking
Join us for a brief overview of the history of the canyon, and then share your own memories and stories as we wend our way through the gorgeous heart of campus. 

"A Condensed History of Reed College" with Opal Click '16 and the Foster-Scholz Club

2–3:30 p.m., PAB 320
You may ask yourself, how did I get here? Your unofficial community historian will tell you in this speedy, fun, and extremely partisan review of the college’s story, from Amanda Reed’s last will and testament through to the present day. Find out why this place is simultaneously so great and so frustrating, arm yourself with factoids to use in campus politics arguments, and decide whether you are a Fosterite or a Scholzean. 30-45 minute presentation, then time for freeform discussion.

Opal Click, in partnership with Paul Edison-Lahm '83 and John Sheehy '82

Reactor Tour

3–4 p.m., Chemistry Patio, Sign up at Prexy
Tour Reed's nuclear reactor, the only nuclear reactor in the nation operated primarily by undergraduates. Licensed students use it for thesis projects and to increase their understanding of radiation and radioactivity.

Welcome Reception & Babson Award Ceremony

4–5 p.m., PAB Atrium
Join President Audrey Bilger for the kick-off reception welcoming you to Reunions 2025!

80s Party, Classes of '80 & '85: Mixer at Woodstock Wine & Deli

4–6 p.m., Woodstock Wine & Deli (off campus)
Join up with your classmates and other Reedies of our era for a mixer! Let wine and cheese break the ice as you get reacquainted. Head up the hill to Woodstock Wine and Deli for a few hours of mixing and mingling, then head back to your residence hall to continue the conversation!

Sunny Day Surprise

5–6:30 p.m., Quad
The Sunny Day Surprise is back! Connect with fellow Reedies while enjoying a delicious surprise. Sponsored by the Alumni Board and your Alumni Chapters. 

Class of '65 Dinner & Mingling

5–8 p.m., off campus
Gather with your classmates off campus for a light dinner and a jam session, just like the old days. Snag the shuttle from Prexy House up to Ann Goetchus' Woodstock home.  

Class of '70 Social

6:30–8 p.m., Location TBD
Join us to celebrate 55 years since our time at Reed! Mix and mingle in a common room like we used to do.


6:30–8:30 p.m., Commons
Bon Appetit brings made-from-scratch restaurant-style dining to Reed College, with a commitment to quality, innovation, social responsibility, and customer satisfaction.
*Meal ticket must be pre-purchased when you register

Reunions Bar

6:30–11 p.m., Quad

The Dream of the 90s is Alive at Reunions

7 p.m.–late, International Plaza at the Language Houses
All class years are cordially invited to a celebration of the 90s spirit! Join Meat Smoke at the language houses, where we'll have delicious food, refreshing libations, and an amazing lineup of Reedie musicians and performers. More info coming soon!

Firepits, S'mores, and a Sing-a-Long 

8–9 p.m., Commons Patio
Chomp down on homemade s'mores while you sing the classics with Mateo Burtch ’82!

International Folk Dancing Like We Used to Do with Jim Kahan ’64

8:30–10 p.m., Sports Center
International Folk Dancing returns. Jim Kahan ’64 will supply the music (he has a digital version of what we danced to and more). You can wear whatever you want on your feet (including nothing) at this venue, except YakTrax or similar destructive footgear.

Pool Hall Open

8 p.m.–3 a.m., Pool Hall
Join your fellow Reedies and reminisce in the Pool Hall! Organize a tournament or play a relaxed game of 8 ball.

S.L.U.R Performance

9–10 p.m., Physics Loading Dock
If you can't sing well, sing louder! 

17th Annual Reedie Reunions Poker Game

9–late, Winch Social Room
It's time to shuffle up and deal at the Annual Reedie Reunions Poker Game! Show off your poker skills in support of Reed! Whether you're a seasoned pro or just learning the ropes, this event is the perfect way to connect with fellow Reedies, so ante up and let's play!

Check the schedule often, events are added every day!

Saturday, June 14

Reunions Central

8 a.m.–5 p.m. Prexy House
When you arrive on campus, please come to Reunions Central in Prexy and pick up your registration materials, event tickets, and dorm keys.

A wristband is required for all guests on campus for the weekend. It indicates to staff, students, and Campus Safety that you have registered and are attending Reunions.

Sports Center Open

8 a.m.–noon, Sports Center
Come check out the new Sports Center where you can swim, work out, or take a sauna!


8:30–9:30 a.m., Commons
Bon Appetit brings made-from-scratch restaurant style dining to Reed College, with a commitment to quality, innovation, social responsibility, and customer satisfaction.
*Pay on your own

Bookstore Open

9 a.m.–midnight, basement of Gray Campus Center
Got old Reed clothing you no longer wear? The Reed Bookstore is looking for gently worn Reed logoed clothing! In exchange, you'll receive a 15% off coupon good towards your next piece of Reed clothing. Reach out to with any questions about this new program.

Retirement: Boon or Trap? with Dr. Don Asher '82

9–10:30 a.m., PAB 320
Where are you getting your information about retirement planning? The retirement industry controls over $37 trillion (trillion with a “t”) in funds, and employs over one million mostly highly-paid professionals. This massive industry floods all media with a vision of retirement that requires their existence: the permanent vacation. What if that’s not right for you? What if you want or need another version? This talk is about theories of late-career and post-career human development, meaning making, planning for the time of retirement (a third half of life), and that subset of humans who love work over leisure. There is definitely more than one right answer. Whether you’re young and thinking long-term or getting closer to traditional retirement ages—or even in the midst of retirement itself—this talk can help you think more richly about your options and your plans. Based on Dr. Don Asher’s recent dissertation “You Can Only Play so Much Golf”: The Retirement Experiences of People Who Really Love Their Work and ongoing research. 

The All-Subject, All-Purpose, All-in-One Humanities Lecture with Mateo Burtch '82

10:30–11:30 a.m., PAB 320
Presented by Professor Mateo J. Burtch, Ph.D., DDS, RCMP
Institute for Creative Prevarication, University of Flugelhorn

Would you believe that a single Humanities lecture can not only make you smarter, but happier, healthier, richer, more attractive, taller, and less prone to fungal infections? Crazy, you say? Too good to be true? Well, Mr. and Ms. Reedie, believe it, because the All-Purpose, All-in-One Humanities lecture can do that—and more! This one-stop journey through every Reed major, from history to biology to religion to music and beyond, covers all the knowledge you’ll ever need to be the confident, magnetic winner you’ve always wanted to be. Never again be embarrassed by confusing the Seleucid Empire with the Achaemenid Empire. Never again stop recounting the Planck Constant at two decimal places. Never again wonder whether Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics contained a section on bathtub grouting. Never wonder if mesons are edible. Instead, impress your friends at parties with exciting facts about partial differential equations, and learn how to make a papier-mâché diorama depicting the Oedipal complex. Stop regretting all the Hum lectures you slept through — we’re so sure that you’ll love the All-Purpose Humanities Lecture that we promise you a FREE sandwich of your choice if you’re not 100% satisfied. [Offer void in the United States and other countries.]

Reactor Tour

11 a.m.–noon, Chemistry Patio, Sign up at Prexy
Tour Reed's nuclear reactor, the only nuclear reactor in the nation operated primarily by undergraduates. Licensed students use it for thesis projects and to increase their understanding of radiation and radioactivity.

MRC Brunch & Bubbly

11 a.m.–1 p.m., GCC A-D

Foster-Scholz Annual Luncheon 

11:30 a.m.–1 p.m., Kaul Auditorium
Alumni whose graduation year is 1985 or earlier (and their partners and friends) are invited to join us in honoring this year's retiring faculty and alumni volunteers for their dedicated service to Reed at the Foster-Scholz annual luncheon and awards cermony. The Luncheon will feature a keynote speech on interdisciplinary majors at Reed College by Suzy Renn, Associate Dean of the Faculty and Roger M. Perlmutter Professor of Biology, on interdisciplinary majors at Reed College. 

Presentation of the Distinguished Service Award to Don Asher ’83, Mateo Burtch ’82, Peggy Hill Noto ’75, and Richard Wollenberg ’75.

* Meal ticket must be pre-purchased when you register

Hot Turkey Sandwich Picnic Lunch

11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m., Commons
Bon Appetit brings made-from-scratch restaurant style dining to Reed College, with a commitment to quality, innovation, social responsibility, and customer satisfaction.
* Meal ticket must be pre-purchased when you register

Marketplace & Carnival

Noon–3 p.m., Great Lawn
Enjoy this event with booths from Reedie makers and carnival games including a bounce house, face painters and more! Don't miss out on this Reedie Reunions tradition!

Library Hours

Noon–4 p.m., Library
See what's new and find your thesis!

Class Photos

1–3 p.m., East PAB staircase (look for the signs!)
Gather with your classmates for Class Photos!

Class of 2020 - 1:00 p.m.
Class of 2015 - 1:05 p.m.
Class of 2010 - 1:10 p.m.
Class of 2005 - 1:15 p.m.
Class of 2000 - 1:20 p.m.
Class of 1995 - 1:25 p.m.
Class of 1990 - 1:30 p.m.
Class of 1985 - 1:35 p.m.
Class of 1980 - 1:40 p.m.
Class of 1975 - 1:45 p.m.
Class of 1970 - 1:50 p.m.
Class of 1965 - 1:55 p.m.
Class of 1960 - 2:00 p.m.
MAT/MALS - 2:05 p.m.

All-Class Parade

2:15 p.m, beginning at Ladd Dorm, West Entrance 

All for Reed Donor & Volunteer Reception*

2:30–4 p.m., Performing Arts Building
A special reception and thank you for everyone who donated to Reed during the 2024-2025 academic year with a special thank you from President Audrey Bilger.
*by invitation only 

Dr. Demento Part 2!

2–3 p.m., PAB 320

Sewing & Swearing

2–4 p.m., PAB 104
Do you do some form of needlework? Do you find yourself swearing a lot while doing needlework? Bring your needlework, your filthy mouth, and maybe some snacks or wine or whatever, and join us while we stab things with needles and curse a bunch.

OutWright Play

3–5 p.m., PAB Black Box Theater
Assassins is a musical with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and a book by John Weidman, based on an original concept by Charles Gilbert Jr.

Using the framing device of an all-American, yet sinister, carnival game, the semi-revue portrays a group of historical figures who attempted (successfully or not) to assassinate Presidents of the United States, and explores what their presence in American history says about the ideals of their country. The score is written to reflect both popular music of the various depicted eras and a broader tradition of "patriotic" American music.

The Geology of Reed and Eastside Portland: Earthquakes, Volcanos and Catastrophic Floods

4–5 p.m., Eliot 314
The serene Portland landscape surrounding the Reed campus has been shaped by catastrophic geological events, torrential floods of ice and lava, and eruptions of neighborhood volcanos. The presentation will explore how this geology is visible to us today and how it has shaped the history of Portland and the college.


6–7:30 p.m., Commons
Bon Appetit brings made-from-scratch restaurant style dining to Reed College, with a commitment to quality, innovation, social responsibility, and customer satisfaction.
*Meal ticket must be pre-purchased when you register

Reunions Bar

6 p.m.–1 a.m., Quad

Alumni Talent Show

7–9 p.m., Student Union Sign up at Prexy
Do you sing? Do you dance? Would you like to read embarrassing entries from your high school diary? Sign up for a spot to show off your talent at the Alumni Talent Show!

Pool Hall Open

8 p.m.–3 a.m., Pool Hall
Join your fellow Reedies and reminisce in the Pool Hall! Organize a tournament or play a relaxed game of 8 ball.

Meat Smoke Surprise!

8:30–9:30 p.m., Great Lawn
Head back to the quad for savory treats thanks to Meat Smoke!

Laser Light Show Extravaganza

9:30–10:30 p.m., Great Lawn
Spread out across the  front lawn for an electric and flammable experience you won't forget!

Stop Making Sense LIVE!

10:15 p.m.–1 a.m., Student Union
Dance the night away at Stop Making Sense LIVE! Live band followed by the movie!

Check the schedule often, events are added every day!

Sunday, June 15

Reunions Check-Out

8 a.m.–1 p.m. Prexy House
Return your dorm keys, swipe cards, and badges to Reunions staff at Prexy! Note: returning your keys is crucial! Replacing lost keys is a huge expense, and it may factor into increased dorm rates in the near future.


8–10 a.m., Commons
Bon Appetit brings made-from-scratch restaurant style dining to Reed College, with a commitment to quality, innovation, social responsibility, and customer satisfaction.
*Pay on your own

Bookstore Open

9 a.m.–2 p.m.
Got old Reed clothing you no longer wear? The Reed Bookstore is looking for gently worn Reed logoed clothing! In exchange, you'll receive a 15% off coupon good towards your next piece of Reed clothing. Reach out to" with any questions about this new program.

Larry Ruben Memorial

10:30 a.m. in Eliot Chapel, followed by a reception in Gray Lounge
A celebration of life service for Laurens Ruben, Kenan Professor of Biology, Emeritus.

Check the schedule often, events are added every day!