2019 Reunion Class Photos
Please send any corrections and/or identifications to alumni@reed.edu.
Class of ’19
1st Reunion

First row, from left: Arthur Garrison, Michaella Joseph, Claire Michie
Class of ’14
5th Reunion

First row, from left: Hannah Schaupp, Uji Venkat, Chanelle Doucette, Chiara Packard, Samuel Liebow, Madeline Engelfried, Miranda Lyons-Cohen
Second row, from left: Amorette Vildosola, Toni Scarcello, Tess Lallement, Andrew Watson
Third row, from left: Michael Reichert, Andrew Warren, Torrey Payne, Aaron King, Benjamin Williams, David Beame
Class of ’09
10th Reunion

First row, from left: Ryan Cook, Nick Silverman, Mallory Keeler, Cassie Thurston-Bianchi, Katie Tanner, Wes Hilmeyer, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified
Second row, from left: Flint Whistler, Eva Goodyear, Madeleine Hiatt, Aviva Raskin, unidentified, Gina Collecchia, Tom Chartrand, unidentified, Maxwell Hallock, Whitney Mims, Lily Hirdler, Zarina Bell
Third row, from left: Dustin Bowers, Steven Case, Galen Pyle, Nick Bradish, Sally Passmore, Dan Eichelsdoerfer, KC Lewis, Roswell Coles, Jacob Perlman, Unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, Bryson Davis
Class of ’04
15th Reunion
First row, from left: Orion Teal, Katie Ramsey, Duncan Ramsey, unidentified
Second row, from left: Greg Falk, Kyndra Kennedy, Ian Kennedy, Lindsay Pour, Jessica Barnhouse, Aleck Ross-Frye, Slayde Dappen, Hannah Day-Kapell, Ben Dappen, Jayeeta Kundu, Ravi Sekhon, Fawn Huisman
Class of ’99
20th Reunion

First row, from left: Lloyd Dollar, Jacqueline Pitter, Hana Levay, Elise Lydia, Michael Burdick
Second row, from left: Greta Vanderbeek, Michelle Schaffer, C-los, unidentified, unidentified, Jeanette Blaine, Erica Hagen, Anne Larson, unidentified, Treva Adams
Third row, from left: Unidentified, Jeremy Stone, Tanya Kellem, John Howa, Thom Belote, Alex Krebs, Nate Lorne, Sean Macallum, Sun Burns
Class of ’94
25th Reunion

First row, from left: Chloe Mills, unidentified, Lisa Saldana, Darcy Molloy, Anna Billstrom, Nanci Von Schriltz
Second row, from left: Tess Grubb, Robin Gordon, Brittney Corrigan-McElroy, Jemiah Jefferson, Celeste Ramsay, Paul Anderson
Third row, from left: Josh Filner, Shirley Gibson, Kevin Proctor, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified
Class of ’89
30th Reunion

First row, from left: unidentified, Carol Hegstrom, Greg Byshenk, Will Morgan, Chris Lydgate, unidentified, Robin Korybski, Laurie Livingstone, Faress Rahman
Second row, from left: Unidentified, Amy Bogran, unidentified, David Autrey, Erin Merrit, unidentified, Robert Lerner, Mohammad Azeem, Hamama Bushra
Third row, from left: Garvin Reiter, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, Johanna Colgrove, unidentified person, unidentified person, Don Berg, Claudia Royston, Megan Nicely, unidentified, Nadine Fiedler, Miyuki Yoshida, unidentified, Paul Li, Joyful Freeman, Jennifer Keating
Fourth row, from left: unidentified
Class of ’84
35th Reunion

First row, from left: Larry Portnoff, Sarah Berry, Sunny Childs, Marianne Colgrove, Scott Gillespie, Ann Smith, Marriane Brogan, Libby Wennstrom, Tracy Klein, Sean Molloy, Abby Richard
Second row, from left: Bill Ross, Steven Nigra, Jonathan Sol, Steve Swanson, Marcus Alley, Alan Spaeth, Jones Mansen, unknown
Class of ’79
40th Reunion
First row, from left: Kelly Doyle, Barbara Pijan, Geoffery Tyson, Mirth Walker, Gloria Drenguis Johnson, Atsushi Nagahisa, Irene Kitumura, Sarah Schurr, Kiyomi Camp, Carolyn Woody, Keith James, Diane MacMurry, Jill Wimberly, Paula VanHaagen, Adriane Borgias
Second row, from left: David Allen, unidentified, unidentified, Peter Hill, Michael Tippie, Steve McMaster, George Edmondsen, Jesus Aguillon, Kevin Sinclair, Terry Bryll, Tom Wimberly, Brandan Borgias
Class of ’74
45th Reunion

First row, from left: Nancy Groschwitz, Turid Orwen, Valerie De Groot, Jim Coddington, Jan Liss.
Second row, from left: unidentified, unidentified
Class of ’69
50th Reunion

First row, from left: Joe Scott, Jim Joseph, Nona Lewis, Suzanne Scollon, Tom Craven, Jeanne Knepper
Second row, from left: Harry Demarest, Tom Giese, Gay Walker, John Macfarlane, Wendy Frank, Nora Lehnhoff, Terri Bentley, Karen Kahn, Allen Otsuka, Carrol Higgins. Third Row: Gary Stonum, Jonathan Osborne, Martin White, Janet Neuberg, Harlan Strickland, Dick Burkhart, Phil Pincus, Harry Travis, Jim Gaw, Chris Lee, Joel Bradbury, Patrick McMahon, Lee Sadja
Classes of and before ’64
55th+ Reunion
First row, from left: Jennifer Sakurai, Sharon Toji, Nicolaus Tideman, Paul Hoyer, Lucy Rachell, Pratt Marlain Lockheed, Barbara Smith-Thomas
Second row, from left: Esther Wender, Clifford Sather, Doris Scheuchenpflug Cellarius, Jim Kahan, Angele Wilking Blanton, Peggy Mendleson, Virginia Oglesby Hancock, David Roth.
Third row, from left: Richard Cellarius, Mike Munk, Bill Moore, Jim Orr, Gordon Murdock, David Kanouse