Alumni Relations & Volunteer Engagement

Meet the Alumni Board

Click on any board member's name to view their contact information. Please note an IRIS login is required to view this information.

Executive Committee

Andrei Stephens ’08


Major: Economics
Current location: Cincinnati, OH
Serves on: Committee for Young Alumni
What is your favorite movie? "Speed Racer (2008)"

Katie Rempe ’05

Vice President

Major: Anthropology
Current Location: Portland, OR
Serves on: Reed Career Alliance
Favorite spot on Reed's campus when you were a student? "I actually truly loved the views from the second floor library desks, I miss having such a cozy, quiet place to work."


Dylan Rivera ’95

Past President

Major: Political Science
Current location: Portland, OR
Serves on: Reed Career Alliance
What was the first concert you attended? "U2, on the Joshua Tree tour."

Laramie Van Duzer Silber ’13

Major: Anthropology
Current location: New York/New Jersey
Serves on: Committee for Young Alumni
Favorite spot on Reed's campus when you were a student? "Definitely the canyon. Or the upper catwalk in the reading room in the library."

Alumni Trustees

alea adigweme ’06

Major: Russian
Location: Providence, RI

Michael Axley ’89

Major: General Literature
Location: Portland, OR

Carla Beam ’76

Carla Beam ’76

Major: Psychology
Location: Anchorage, AK
Tell us about a moment of joy you've had over the past year. "Buying a 1988 VW Westfalia Van and finding out that I can still figure out how to use a clutch."

Tina Sohaili-Korbonits ’07

Major: Philosophy
Location: Santa Monica, CA

At-Large Members

Grant Taylor Burgess ’13

Grant Taylor Burgess ’13

Major: Literature
Location: Portland, OR
Serves on: Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Favorite spot on campus while a student? "Eliot Hall Chapel or that little brick room in the old part of the library just off the main reading area."

Maya Campbell ’14

Maya Campbell ’15

Major: History
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Serves on: Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Favorite spot on Reed's campus when you were a student? "The living room of the MRC and the Canyon."
Jen Delfino ’05

Jen Delfino ’05

Major: Anthropology
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Serves on: Diversity and Inclusion Committee
What was your most recent streaming binge? "All of Mike Flanagan's series. Totally worth it."

Claire Dennerlein Manson ’02

Major: American Studies
Location: Portland, OR
Serves on: Reed Career Alliance
Who is your celebrity doppelgänger? "People used to say both Blossom and Sarah Jessica Parker, but honestly I think SJP has aged better. hahaha. I still think I can be a ringer for Mayam Bialik."

Sofiya Deva ’17

Major: Religion
Location: Miami, FL
Serves on: Committee for Young Alumni
Who is your celebrity doppelgänger? "Freida Pinto"

Matt Giger ’89

Major: Physics
Location: Portland, OR
Serves on: Reed Career Alliance
Tell us about a moment of joy you've had over the past year: "When my youngest son, Harrison, chose to attend Reed in the fall."

Kip Guy ’90

Major: Chemistry
Location: Portland, OR
Serves on: Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Valentina Lanlan Jin-Trowbridge ’11

Valentina Lanlan Jin-Trowbridge ’11

Major: Biology
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Serves on: Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Most recent streaming binge? "Romantic Comedy movies—1000% worth it!"

Caitlin Mckenna ’08

Major: History
Location: Boulder, Colorado
Serves on: Reed Career Alliance
What is your official Hogwarts house? Is it accurate? "I attended the school Hogwarts was based on (Fettes College in Edinburgh, UK), so I always say my official boarding house was the one I was actually sorted into, Arniston. It was the absolute, hands-down, puffin-lovin' best."

Bronwyn North-Reist ’07

Major: Literature/Theatre
Location: Canoga Park, CA
Serves on: Reed Career Alliance
Worst movie/TV show you've seen recently? What made it terrible/why should people stay far, far away? "Even the worst movie/TV show is someone's favorite, and I think that's a beautiful thing."

Vasiliy Safin ’07

Major: Psychology
Location: New York
Serves on: Committee for Young Alumni
A moment of joy from the past year: "Helping a person from my hometown (in Eastern Ukraine) reunite with his mother in the U.S. After a difficult journey and many hours spent with CBP at the airport, he was admitted into the country on my birthday."

Angélique Thomas ’09

Major: Religion
Location: New Orleans, LA
Serves on: Diversity for Inclusion Committee
If you could be doing anything right now, what would it be? "Sitting in the sun with a cat on my lap and a book in my hands."

Thomas Weber ’83

Major: History
Location: Bainbridge Island, WA

Presidential Appointees


Alumni Committee Chairs

Lilia Raquel Rosas ’94

Co-Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Major: American Studies
Location: Austin, TX

Laramie Van Duzer Silber ’13

Serves on: Committee for Young Alumni (Chair), Alumni Board Secretary
Major: Anthropology
Location: Washington, NJ

Matt Giger ’89

Chair of the Reed Career Alliance
Major: Physics
Location: Portland, OR

Chapter Leadership Council Representatives

Peter Miller ’06

Major: Political Science

Location: New York, NY

Who is your celebrity doppelgänger? "While I share a psychic bond with the Season 9 character of Peter Miller, I'd have to say I'd be Creed Bratton. Redistricting is terribly complicated and I worry sometimes that my colleagues and friends have no idea what I do at work."

Jim Quinn ’83

Major: Chemistry
Location: Portland, OR

Student Liason


Nominations Committee

Sarah Getz ’04
Major: Psychology
Current location: Princeton, NJ

Gregory Ippolito ’89
Current location: Austin, TX

Dylan Rivera ’95: chair
Major: Political Science
Current location: Portland, OR

Lisa Saldana ’94
Major: Psychology
Location: Eugene, OR

Andrei Stephens ’08
Major: Economics
Current location: Cincinnati, OH